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November 2021 Horoscopes: What the Stars Have in Store for Your Love Life and Career

Women looking out to a stormy sea or lake with a toque on

Scorpio season is upon us! Read on for your November 2021 monthly horoscopes to find out what the stars are saying about your love life, social life and career this month from Astrology Detective.

Woman working on a laptop on her deck

Aries horoscopes for November 2021                                                         

Brace yourself — and your finances

Your personal income has been on a rollercoaster of highs and lows for several years, and perhaps you have been forced to rely on the funds of someone else — be it a partner, parents, credit card or even the government. This situation will cause ever-increasing amounts of frustration this month, especially as whoever is in charge of your finances may be attaching a number of strings to them, which could place a considerable damper on your social life. If at the end of the day, however, you blow your meagre resources on hobnobbing around town, you only have yourself to blame. The situation lightens considerably after the 21st, when a sense of freedom and adventure returns to usher in the holidays.

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Couple kissing in a romantic backdrop

Taurus horoscopes for November 2021

Short-term pain, long-term gain

Your desire for personal freedom will be at odds with the demands of your professional life, as well as those of a controlling, domineering romantic partner. You are up for excitement, not drama, and may well grow frustrated with the overblown, look-at-me histrionics of a love mate. At the time of the Lunar eclipse on the 19th, you may have had enough, and decide to move on from an out-dated rapport once and for all. If you do, someone may be waiting to fill in the void from within your extended social circle, and by the 29th you could be swept away into throws of much sweeter, dreamier romance. Don’t be afraid to ask friends to set you up. You may have to deal with stern, joyless pencil pushers at work, who will not understand your innovative visions; don’t stop believing.

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Woman working away on her laptop in a hat

Gemini horoscopes for November 2021

Don’t bite off more than you can chew

You may have so much on your plate, you could end up mentally and physically exhausted by the 19th. Try to pace yourself, and don’t take on tasks that are more than you can handle. If you are a student, your study load could be overwhelming at times, especially if you are taking required classes in dry, dull subjects in which you have zero interest; seek inspiration outside the classroom to keep your spirits up. Professionally, if you manage to keep up with all the busy work that is heaped upon you, you could impress higher ups, who may give you a promotion or ask you to work on a dream project; don’t be afraid to approach bosses about possibilities for advancement, especially on the 12th, 18th and 29th.

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Woman in a heated conversation

Cancer horoscopes for November 2021

Do some housecleaning

The long November nights are just waiting to be filled with passion and romance. Luckily, all that is in the stars for you this month. Whether you are single or coupled, you will encounter many opportunities to ignite the flames of love. This could also incite jealousy and envy from a two-faced friend, who could go behind your back to spread gossip and maybe even attempt to sabotage whatever good thing you’ve got going. You can fend off potential damage by keeping your private life private. Any shenanigans will be flushed out into the open around the 19th, when you may decide to cut things off with a toxic member of your social circle rather suddenly.

See also: What TV show you should binge, based on your sign.

Woman writing reminders in her journal


Leo horoscopes for November 2021

Shaking the foundation

Three main corners of your life are in a bit of disarray at the moment — and to be honest, have been for a while. You have done a five-star job of ignoring all the deep adjustments that need to be made in your world, by way of kicking the can down the road. You can’t exist on autopilot forever, and this month’s astro energy is forcing you to finally get out of your rut and start moving towards change. Ready or not, you must now enter into unchartered territory in romance, work and your domestic situation. Instead of just treading water, you must shed your anxieties and start working towards goals that will bring you lasting satisfaction in these areas of your life.

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Woman reading and thinking

Virgo horoscopes for November 2021

Don’t cast stones, get your house in order

With quick-witted Mercury as your ruler, you are famous for being an exceptionally engaging conversationalist and known for your acute insights that cut through the nonsense of life. However, when facing periods of stress, your perfectionistic, judgmental attitude often comes to the fore, serving as a coping mechanism that helps you create order out of upheaval. You are currently in a moment of existential chaos, where you have no clear vision of your future and can see no way out of your current situation. Instead of sorting out your own backyard, you may compensate for your failings by nit-picking the faults of all those around you. If you cross a line, don’t be shocked if you burn bridges with a friend or colleague who has finally had enough around the 19th.

Related: The best romantic comedies based on your zodiac sign.


Woman working away at her laptop in her jammies and a latte

Libra horoscopes for November 2021

Save don’t splurge

You are in a super-indulgent mood, and you want nothing more than to lavish yourself and your sweetie with some big-ticket material items or luxury, romantic nights out on the town. And why not? November is sending a multitude of economic opportunities your way that could significantly boost your income. The only problem is that your long-term financial footing is not quite so sound. You may have lingering debts you still need to pay off or bad investments that need to be made up for. Instead of splurging on frills and finery, you may want to put your money in the bank and let it sit for a month until this volatile energy passes. Financial decisions made around the 19th could prove to be a headache, so tread cautiously.

See also: 20 low-stress jobs that pay more than $100K in Canada.

Couple arguing

Scorpio horoscopes for November 2021

Keep calm and carry on

Your house is like a minefield: one wrong step and you could set off an explosion in the endless battle of true love. If you are in a committed relationship, the unpredictable, erratic neediness of your partner could have you at your wit’s ends, leaving you angry and frustrated at having to carry more than your fair share of the burden. You may feel as if your significant other never has your back and is always shirking their responsibilities. By the 19th, one or both of you could be ready to call it quits. If, instead, you are single, fights could break out with roommates or family members over the most trivial matters. Try to keep calm and carry on until the 21st, when the situation chills out significantly.

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Woman in a field, dressed cozily pulling down her hat

Sagittarius horoscopes for November 2021

Enjoy the journey

This could be a stressful month, when your mind/body alignment gets all out of whack. Internally, you will be filled with enthusiasm about going after your goals, but you may push yourself too hard and run yourself down to the point of exhaustion. There is also the danger of biting off more than you can chew; don’t feel you have to accomplish all your dreams at once. Take time and enjoy your journey. If you start to feel sick and need to see a doctor, take the time and attention to fully and accurately state all your symptoms. Your tendency to downplay things could lead to a bad diagnosis; doctors are not psychics. By the 21st, your energy rebounds big time, so you will be able to fully enjoy the lead-up to the holiday season.

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Woman on a couch, wrapped in a blanket with a warm cup of coffee

Capricorn horoscopes for November 2021

Say it with me: serenity, now

Your leadership skills will be put to the test during the first two-thirds of November. Between an unstable love life, friends who demand all your time and attention, and a monetary situation that blows hot and cold, it will take every ounce of your sang froid to hold everything together. The first step to getting things under control is to drastically reduce the amount of money you spend on socializing. While you may find it important to be seen in the right places surrounded by the right people, you could find yourself squandering away finite resources on strictly fleeting fancies, with things coming to a head around the 19th. You may be escaping into the social swirl to take your mind off of romantic drama, but just try to keep expenditures within reason. Around the 21st, you may feel like you need to take a break to rejuvenate your batteries by just chilling out at home.

Related: How Scorpios respond to fights with lovers – and all the other signs too.


Woman in a moving truck with a small toddler sitting inside

Aquarius horoscopes for November 2021

Onwards and upwards

If you are finding yourself in a bad situation at home, you can literally work your way out of it with determination and ingenuity. By focusing your attention on your career, you can impress the powers that be, bringing a bountiful windfall in terms of income. You can then use this money to implement necessary changes in your current living situation, or search for a new one. Just keep in mind: when you are packing your belongings to move, leave behind any unpleasant roommates, family members or domestic partners. There’s just one catch: while your job may be providing monetary resources, it may not be aligned with your ideals of what you actually want to be doing with your life. Sometimes, however, you just need a paycheck. Use your free time to pursue more life-affirming pursuits and hobbies, or even look to slowly open your own business in your off hours, while keeping your day job for funds.

See also: What kind of ex are you based on your zodiac sign.

Woman on bed holding a book

Pisces horoscopes for November 2021

Keep perspective

If you are a student, you could feel at odds with your current course of study — so much so, that you may even get into heated debates with a professor or two. It’s never too late to pivot direction, so if your current major is not a good fit, try to enter a different degree program or look into transferring to another school altogether. For all other Pisces, you may be feeling a certain existential malaise during the first half of the month. At times, you may feel like you don’t fit in with this superficial world. Your grand, idealistic, kumbaya visions of existence just never seem fully appreciated by the hoi palloi. You may have a hard time clearly expressing your thoughts, leading to rambling outbursts that win you no admirers. Energies shift around the 21st, when you will be able to find focus and meaning through work, which will do much to lift your spirits and help reconnect you with the magical wonders of the universe.

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