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Top 10 Ways to Spend This March Break Outdoors With Your Kids

It’s that time of year once again, when children celebrate five whole days off of school by … hanging around the house? Wait, what?

As parents we want the best for our kids so it’s about time we take charge and take advantage of their blessed week of freedom. It can be tough to coax them away from the cozy indoors but moms and dads, you have to do what you have to do. Once that seemingly daunting mission’s accomplished, the rest should be a breeze.

Thanks to the ParticipACTION’s 150 Play List, there are plenty of ways to get the kids outside. ParticipACTION put out the challenge, and Canadians everywhere should accept it, and try as many of the activities on the list.

But parents, you need to lead by example. You may want your children to be more active, but so should you. A better, healthier life will do you all good but it’s the impact on our kids that makes it all worthwhile. You ready to get outside and have some fun yet?

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