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10 Best Rom Coms to Make Your Partner Watch With You

Modern day fairy tales (laced in the funny) and popcorn selling kisses — more like 10 romantic comedies your partner should be excited to enjoy with you. While folks criticize this genre for being “unrealistic” — rom coms are not made to accurately reflect the state of love and relationships, but rather, they provide us a sense of idealism — showing us the way love and relationships could be. They navigate the emotional complexities of specific types of people and their connections. They also provide us with the insights of how things could be received in relationships — encouraging us to critically think and approach modern romance in more effective (and sometimes hilarious) ways. Of course, rom coms tend to perpetuate harmful heteronormative notions — but queer and people of colour representation is getting better in this genre, so there’s that.

So, let’s talk about the 10 best rom coms to make your partner watch with you — or rom coms not to miss even if they pass out during the opening credits.

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